Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up)
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) on PC or Mac
Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) is a Casual Game developed by Lunime. BlueStacks app player is the best platform to play this Android Game on your PC or Mac for an immersive Android experience.
Download Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) on PC with BlueStacks and join a huge community of virtual cosplayers and dress-up aficionados!
Make your own word bubbles and strike your best posture! More than a hundred different settings are available for your use. Gain an advantage in the Arena by collecting uncommon pets through gacha and training them to fight. To play Gacha, visit the studio now! Here we go! Cue the spotlights and cameras!
This is the pinnacle of anime-themed dress-up games! Generate your own anime-inspired characters and equip them in the clothes you like best! Girls and boys can pick from a wide variety of outfits, hairdos, headwear, and accessories. Once your characters are complete, go on over to the Studio to start setting up your scenes.
Get creative with the newest in anime fashion and dress up your characters. Create your own unique look with thousands of possible combinations of clothing, accessories, and weaponry. In Studio Mode, you may make your own unique environments. You may give your characters unique dialogue and assign them to a variety of stances. Over 100 Pets are available for collection and Gacha to train in the Arena.
Download Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) on PC with BlueStacks and become whoever you want to be!
You can also Play Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) in your browser on your PC or mobile without downloading. Click and Play instantly!
PC에서 Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) 플레이해보세요.
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구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) 설치
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