Block Puzzle - Wood Blast

Block Puzzle - Wood Blast

퍼즐 | Arcade Game Maker

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2023. 11. 1.

Play Block Puzzle - Wood Blast on PC

Block Puzzle - Wood Blast is a classic yet innovative, fun and addictive block puzzle game that is perfect to pass the time.

Block Puzzle - Wood Blast has two game modes:
• Classic Block Puzzle Mode: Drag different colored blocks onto the board and match as many blocks as possible. The game keeps offering blocks of various shapes until there is no room left on the board.
• Cube Adventure Mode: New Mode! New mode! New mode! Interesting world! Various levels! Pure puzzles!

It's completely free and can be played offline, no internet connection required.

Which gameplay:
• Drag and drop colored tiles onto the 8x8 panel to combine them.
• Match rows or columns to clear colored blocks.
• Choose the best position for the colored tiles based on their shape.
• Earn extra points by matching multiple lines at the same time!
• Completely free - just watch an ad to continue the challenge at the end of the game.
Enjoy this retro and innovative block puzzle game!

Which game features:
• Rich and colorful levels and various blocks.
Experience a brand new combo gameplay.
• Cool elimination animations and delightful music.
• Free classic block play and story challenge mode.
• No WiFi required, you can play online or offline.

If you are looking for free jigsaw puzzle games, Block Puzzle - Wood Blast is definitely for you. Come and download this game and share it with friends and family!

PC에서 Block Puzzle - Wood Blast 플레이해보세요.

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