Duck Life 7: Battle

Duck Life 7: Battle

캐주얼 게임 |

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2023. 6. 21.

Play Duck Life: Battle on PC or Mac

Racing days are over. Now it is time to battle. Have you ever seen an angry duck? Seriously, they are not as cute and pretty when they are crazy mad. And this is precisely what you are about to face in this thrilling and funny game. Prepare yourself. It’s battle time! Play Duck Life: Battle on PC and Mac with BlueStacks and quack your up the leaderboard by entering incredibly aggressive battles with your duck. Train your skills and develop your health, power, defense and speed by discovering new special attacks in 25 different mini games and explore the world of duck fighting! Enter tournaments and become the great world duck champion! Go through 6 different arenas so far and fight over 40 exclusive battles using hundreds of weapons and costumes. Get captivated by your characters, complete thrilling quests and get incredible rewards! Can you face such a quacky challenge? You better! Download Duck Life: Battle and become the duck fighter you always dreamed to be! Wait, what?

PC에서 Duck Life 7: Battle 플레이해보세요.

  • BlueStacks 다운로드하고 설치

  • Google Play 스토어에 로그인 하기(나중에 진행가능)

  • 오른쪽 상단 코너에 Duck Life 7: Battle 검색

  • 검색 결과 중 Duck Life 7: Battle 선택하여 설치

  • 구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 Duck Life 7: Battle 설치

  • 메인 홈화면에서 Duck Life 7: Battle 선택하여 실행
