Project War Mobile - 온라인 슈팅 액션 게임
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Project War Mobile on PC or Mac
Project War Mobile puts you in the shoes of a genetically-elite specimen, specially created by the mysterious Seventh Sanctum to pump hot lead into the undead hordes. The addictive shooter gameplay and gorgeous visuals make this a hard game to put down, and with the awesome multiplayer action you’ll never want to stop! Climb the global ranks and show the world who’s the true king of the multiplayer arena in a variety of exciting game modes. There’s classic team deathmatch where two teams of four go head-to-head in a fight for dominance. Show off your leadership and tactical prowess in Control, a game mode where you must gain and maintain control of multiple points on the map. Then there’s the all-out mayhem of free-for-all, an 8-player frenzy where there are no teams and only the greatest player emerges as the victor. Project War Mobile has been designed and optimized for peak mobile performance using the latest version of the versatile Unity 3D Engine. The intuitive controls and snappy movements make it the perfect game for pick-up matches.
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