Mathletix Time Teller
교육 | player1games
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Mathletix Time Teller on PC
Don't waste another second, try Mathletix Time Teller Today
We're back! If you're familar with our Mathletix series you already know we are a kids app that doesn't ask for, or collect any personal data. No ads, No in-app purchases and no emails. Just a series of single subject games focused on learning core concepts through fun games.
Mathletix Time Teller is designed to help make learning the fundamentals of telling time both interactive and fun. We have several short session games built around the basics of telling time:
-Reading clocks
-Setting clocks
-Matching digital clock Times with clock hands and more!
-Quick clock reading
And new to the entire series, we've added a new mini-game called Mathketball! Be sure to check it out!
These short session fun games teach through frequency and repetition and keep things fresh and fun. Mathletix Time Teller is inspired by real classroom work sheets and practice tests but we remove the pressure and pack the games with positive feedback. With a little regular practice your kids will improve in no TIME.
""When learning is self-motivated by a need to know about something or, in this case by fun, it just works better""
~ Curt Becker Ph.D.,Cognitive Psychology
Telling Time, Reading Clocks,Hours, Minutes,Learning Math, Grades K-5,
We're back! If you're familar with our Mathletix series you already know we are a kids app that doesn't ask for, or collect any personal data. No ads, No in-app purchases and no emails. Just a series of single subject games focused on learning core concepts through fun games.
Mathletix Time Teller is designed to help make learning the fundamentals of telling time both interactive and fun. We have several short session games built around the basics of telling time:
-Reading clocks
-Setting clocks
-Matching digital clock Times with clock hands and more!
-Quick clock reading
And new to the entire series, we've added a new mini-game called Mathketball! Be sure to check it out!
These short session fun games teach through frequency and repetition and keep things fresh and fun. Mathletix Time Teller is inspired by real classroom work sheets and practice tests but we remove the pressure and pack the games with positive feedback. With a little regular practice your kids will improve in no TIME.
""When learning is self-motivated by a need to know about something or, in this case by fun, it just works better""
~ Curt Becker Ph.D.,Cognitive Psychology
Telling Time, Reading Clocks,Hours, Minutes,Learning Math, Grades K-5,
PC에서 Mathletix Time Teller 플레이해보세요.
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