Duck Life 9: The Flock
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5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Duck Life 9: The Flock on PC
Raise your ducklings into the ultimate team of racers in Duck Life 9, where everything is bigger, bolder & more beautiful than ever before! Embark on a quest as you journey across the huge Featherhaven Island, meeting new friends & taking on recruits to help topple the competition & take the crown!
Play the beginning for FREE, in app purchase the full game
- Build your own town and rise up the ranks to become the fastest flock on Featherhaven Island
- Choose your duck and discover new looks with zillions of combinations!
- Train your ducks with over 60 mini games!
- Discover recipes to feed and upgrade your flock
- Race against other challengers for incredible prizes!
- 9 amazing realms to explore!
- Search for hidden jelly coins, golden tickets and buried treasure!
- Discover floating towns, mushroomy caves, crystal deserts and much more
- Expand your town with shops, houses, and decorations
- Farm and gather resources
- Teach ducks and make new feathered friends
- Build a stellar team of racers to take on new challengers!
Play the beginning for FREE, in app purchase the full game
- Build your own town and rise up the ranks to become the fastest flock on Featherhaven Island
- Choose your duck and discover new looks with zillions of combinations!
- Train your ducks with over 60 mini games!
- Discover recipes to feed and upgrade your flock
- Race against other challengers for incredible prizes!
- 9 amazing realms to explore!
- Search for hidden jelly coins, golden tickets and buried treasure!
- Discover floating towns, mushroomy caves, crystal deserts and much more
- Expand your town with shops, houses, and decorations
- Farm and gather resources
- Teach ducks and make new feathered friends
- Build a stellar team of racers to take on new challengers!
PC에서 Duck Life 9: The Flock 플레이해보세요.
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