비지니스 달력 2 - 캘린더, 플래너, 스케줄러, 할일
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Run Business Calendar 2 Planner on PC or Mac
Upgrade your experience. Try Business Calendar 2 Planner, the fantastic Productivity app from Appgenix Software, from the comfort of your laptop, PC, or Mac, only on BlueStacks.
About the App
Business Calendar 2 Planner by Appgenix Software is your all-in-one productivity powerhouse! Navigate effortlessly through your schedule with intuitive design, managing appointments, tasks, and events seamlessly. Expect smooth syncing with Google Calendar, Outlook, and more, plus nifty tools to plan for work or leisure. It’s like having a personal assistant in your pocket!
App Features
🎯 Calendar Planner and Task Organizer
– Manage appointments and tasks in one app.
– Hide non-essential calendars to focus on work, family, or personal events.
– Sync seamlessly with popular calendars like Google and Outlook.
– Share your schedule easily with friends and colleagues.
🚀 Quick Schedule Planner
– Create events quickly with smart suggestions.
– Use templates and voice input for speedy additions.
– Link contacts and attach files or photos to events.
🔧 Swift Agenda Updates
– Move and postpone tasks with simple taps or drag and drop.
– Copy entries to multiple days, perfect for work shifts.
💺 Versatile Calendaring Options
– Customize your view with a flexible planner and vivid heat map.
– Categorize with colors and emoticons.
🔔 Smart Notifications
– Configurable alerts and custom ringtones to ensure nothing’s missed.
🎨 Beautiful Widget and Wear OS Support
– Choose from seven widget themes.
– Keep everything synced on your smartwatch with Wear OS support.
Business Calendar 2 Planner is a breeze to use on BlueStacks, integrating all these features for a smooth experience.
Big screen. Bigger performance. Use BlueStacks on your PC or Mac to run your favorite apps.
PC에서 비지니스 달력 2 - 캘린더, 플래너, 스케줄러, 할일 플레이해보세요.
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오른쪽 상단 코너에 비지니스 달력 2 - 캘린더, 플래너, 스케줄러, 할일 검색
검색 결과 중 비지니스 달력 2 - 캘린더, 플래너, 스케줄러, 할일 선택하여 설치
구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 비지니스 달력 2 - 캘린더, 플래너, 스케줄러, 할일 설치
메인 홈화면에서 비지니스 달력 2 - 캘린더, 플래너, 스케줄러, 할일 선택하여 실행