Watermark - add text, photo, logo, signature
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Pagina modificata il: 17 gennaio 2020
Play Watermark - add text, photo, logo, signature on PC
You can also create your own signature and add to photos. Photo watermark is also the best and easy signature creator. The best watermarking app for creating watermarks and watermarking photos.
Brand your photos or images before sharing them online or anyone. Digitally sign or signature your photos, poster, banner, flyer, artwork, photographs, document, photography with logo, signature, trademarks, copyright to claim, secure and maintain your intellectual property and reputation. You can also add timestamps, hash tags and other properties as text watermark.
Photo Watermark is easy to use:
1. Select a photo from photo gallery on which you want to add watermark.
2. Add signature, text, logo or stickers, photo to create watermark on your photos.
3. Adjust your watermark on your photos; pinch it, drag it and rotate it. Adjust its opacity precisely with the slider.
4. Save and share watermarked photos with friends and family. Templates can be created and saved for future use.
Add text to photos:
Easily add text to photos, and choose your font out of a 250+ verity of free fonts, handwriting fonts, fancy fonts, girly fonts, stylish fonts and many other cool fonts.
Add Logo or images on your photos:
Easily add your logo watermark on photos. Protect your photos with your copyright mark or sign.
Crop and resize photos:
Resize and crop photos in a wide verity of sizes: 1:1, 3:4, 4:3, 9:16, 16:9, Facebook Ads, Facebook Cover, Facebook Page Post, Pinterest Ads & Youtube Art
Add Stickers on Photos:
Photo watermark has 1000+ cute stickers, funny stickers and emoji to add your photos.
Create Signature: Signature Maker, Signature Creator
Photo Watermark allows you to create your own signature and add to your photos, picture, image or content. You can create an add multiple signatures using this application and go for forever.
- Create signature, Make signature or Draw Signature
- Adjust pen thickness
- Pinch zoom on Signature to adjust size
- Apply beautiful color and make your signature colorful.
- Drag signature to set on any location of screen.
- You can save your signature and use it later.
Start protecting your pictures, image and photos now !
Feel free to contact us at: appxstudio.co@gmail.com
Gioca Watermark - add text, photo, logo, signature su PC. È facile iniziare.
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Completa l'accesso a Google (se hai saltato il passaggio 2) per installare Watermark - add text, photo, logo, signature
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