5e Companion App
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play 5e Companion App on PC or Mac
5e Companion App brings the Role Playing genre to life, and throws up exciting challenges for gamers. Developed by Blastervla Productions, this Android game is best experienced on BlueStacks, the World’s #1 app player for PC and Mac users.
About the Game
Whether you’re a busy DM or a daring player, the “5e Companion App” by Blastervla Productions is your ultimate sidekick in the world of role playing. It streamlines gameplay, letting you focus on the fun stuff—like raiding dungeons and charming (or challenging) dragons.
Game Features
- Character Sheet Manager: Effortlessly organize your epic adventurers with an intuitive manager that’s truly amazing.
- Expansive Races and Backgrounds: Choose from 50+ supported races and backgrounds to create unique characters.
- Illustrated Bestiary: Explore a full bestiary with complete stats for 760+ monsters. Perfect for those “what if” moments.
- Homebrew Content: Get creative with a feature that lets you craft custom content seamlessly.
- Comprehensive Compendiums: Dive into spells, items, weapons, and armor details—all in one place.
- Encounter Tools: Generate and manage encounters with ease, including an initiative tracker. No more endless dice rolls!
- BlueStacks Support: Enhance your experience with seamless play through BlueStacks.
Be the MVP in your squad. Play now on BlueStacks and show the world who’s the boss.
PC에서 5e Companion App 플레이해보세요.
BlueStacks 다운로드하고 설치
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