Bible Study with Zac Poonen
Educational | Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore
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Play Bible Study with Zac Poonen on PC
- Fundamental Biblical Truths
A good foundational knowledge of the basic truths of God’s Word. You can use this for home Bible-study groups.
- Verse By Verse
An intensely practical verse-by-verse study, produced over a period of thirty years, on selected Old and New Testament books. If you are looking for a systematic or in depth study on a book, here is the tool to help you.
- Through The Bible
70 one-hour expositions that bring out the distinctive message of each book of the Bible. Through The Bible will help you to understand scripture in a deeper way!
- Basic Christian Teachings
72 messages of 15 min each starting from ground-zero. This series of audio messages by Zac Poonen is on foundational Christian truths.
- All That Jesus Taught
The Great Commission that Jesus gave His apostles consisted of TWO parts:
1. To preach the gospel to everyone (Mark 16:15,16). Thankfully, many Christian churches are doing this.
2. To make disciples, baptize them, and then teach them all that Jesus taught (Matt.28:29,20)
A series of 80 studies (of about 25 minutes each) by Brother Zac Poonen
- Questions & Answers
Zac Poonen's answers to many questions is a treasure house of wisdom.
You can download all these sermons on your device and listen to them offline or share the link with your friends.
A good foundational knowledge of the basic truths of God’s Word. You can use this for home Bible-study groups.
- Verse By Verse
An intensely practical verse-by-verse study, produced over a period of thirty years, on selected Old and New Testament books. If you are looking for a systematic or in depth study on a book, here is the tool to help you.
- Through The Bible
70 one-hour expositions that bring out the distinctive message of each book of the Bible. Through The Bible will help you to understand scripture in a deeper way!
- Basic Christian Teachings
72 messages of 15 min each starting from ground-zero. This series of audio messages by Zac Poonen is on foundational Christian truths.
- All That Jesus Taught
The Great Commission that Jesus gave His apostles consisted of TWO parts:
1. To preach the gospel to everyone (Mark 16:15,16). Thankfully, many Christian churches are doing this.
2. To make disciples, baptize them, and then teach them all that Jesus taught (Matt.28:29,20)
A series of 80 studies (of about 25 minutes each) by Brother Zac Poonen
- Questions & Answers
Zac Poonen's answers to many questions is a treasure house of wisdom.
You can download all these sermons on your device and listen to them offline or share the link with your friends.
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ホーム画面にてBible Study with Zac Poonenのアイコンをクリックしてアプリを起動します。