Chord AI
음악/오디오 | Chord AI
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Chord AI - Real time Chord Recognition on PC
Chord AI uses recent advances in AI to give you the chords of any song automatically and reliably. You won't need anymore to look for the chords of a song on the web. Chord AI listens to the music played from your device or around you and shows you the chords instantly.
Chord AI can recognize 268 distinct chords, including:
- major and minors
- aug, dim, half-diminished, dim7
- 6ths, 7ths, 9ths, add9
- suspended (sus2, sus4)
- 7th with suspension (7sus2, 7sus4)
Chord AI even works offline. You don't need to have an internet connection (unless you want to play a song from YouTube or a streaming service).
How does Chord AI work? Chord AI can find the chords of a song in two ways:
1) Through your device microphone. Any song playing around you, or played by your device, is analysed through your device microphone and the chords of the song are shown in real time. You can go back in time and replay the song together with the chords displayed on a timeline.
2) For audio files that you have on your device, Chord AI will process the file in a few seconds to give you all the chords of the song at once
Any feedback appreciated at
Associated key words: chord recognition, chord detection, chord detector, chord tracker, chord finder, chord dictionary, music transcription, learning music, guitar tabs, guitar chords, chordifier, DAW, audio technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, signal processing
Chord AI can recognize 268 distinct chords, including:
- major and minors
- aug, dim, half-diminished, dim7
- 6ths, 7ths, 9ths, add9
- suspended (sus2, sus4)
- 7th with suspension (7sus2, 7sus4)
Chord AI even works offline. You don't need to have an internet connection (unless you want to play a song from YouTube or a streaming service).
How does Chord AI work? Chord AI can find the chords of a song in two ways:
1) Through your device microphone. Any song playing around you, or played by your device, is analysed through your device microphone and the chords of the song are shown in real time. You can go back in time and replay the song together with the chords displayed on a timeline.
2) For audio files that you have on your device, Chord AI will process the file in a few seconds to give you all the chords of the song at once
Any feedback appreciated at
Associated key words: chord recognition, chord detection, chord detector, chord tracker, chord finder, chord dictionary, music transcription, learning music, guitar tabs, guitar chords, chordifier, DAW, audio technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, signal processing
PC에서 Chord AI 플레이해보세요.
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검색 결과 중 Chord AI 선택하여 설치
구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 Chord AI 설치
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