Goat Simulator GoatZ
BlueStacksを使ってPCでプレイ - 5憶以上のユーザーが愛用している高機能Androidゲーミングプラットフォーム
Play Goat Simulator GoatZ on PC or Mac
By time passes by, we learn more and more about how crazy goats can be. And it they were not dangerous enough until this day, now we learned something else: they can even turn into zombies! Just imagine how mental the world can be when that happen. Will you run or hide? Play Goat Simulator GoatZ on PC with BlueStacks and find yourself lost into this world of craziness and millions of blood-thirsty goats, as they run like crazy trying to catch you. No, wait. You are no human at all. You are also a goat! Well, things have got just turned out for the best, don’t you agree? Play different game modes, including a survival mode, and find yourself having high doses of fun and laughing as loud as you can with the latest Goat Simulator version from Coffee Stain Studios. These beautiful, yet unpredictable creatures are always surprising ourselves. How far are they willing to go? Well, it doesn’t matter for now. Simply embrace it and get ready for loads of fun! Download Goat Simulator GoatZ on PC with BlueStacks and see how it goes right now! Your fun is certain. That, we can guarantee! If you are having a long life? Well, that’s with you!
Goat Simulator GoatZをPCでプレイ
GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストアにアクセスします。(こちらの操作は後で行っても問題ありません)
右上の検索バーにGoat Simulator GoatZを入力して検索します。
クリックして検索結果からGoat Simulator GoatZをインストールします。
Googleサインインを完了してGoat Simulator GoatZをインストールします。※手順2を飛ばしていた場合
ホーム画面にてGoat Simulator GoatZのアイコンをクリックしてアプリを起動します。