우당탕탕 탐험대: 방치형 RPG

우당탕탕 탐험대: 방치형 RPG

롤플레잉 | CookApps

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2024. 10. 29.

Play Rumble Squad: Idle Pixel RPG on PC

Welcome to "Rumble Squad: Idle RPG," where legends are forged in epic adventures. Assemble a team of charismatic heroes with unique skills, and watch as they effortlessly level up, even when you're away.

CHARMS! Heroes with Skills and Swagger!
Collect a diverse roster of impressive and varied characters, each bringing unique abilities to every battle.

GROW! Level Up Effortlessly!
Your heroes evolve continuously, ensuring you're always battle-ready and more powerful.

CUTE! Fierce Pixel Heroes!
Charming and powerful, these heroes combine great visuals with serious RPG gameplay.

SYNERGY! Explosive Team Actions!
Mix and match heroes for perfect team synergy that leads to explosive battlefield victories.

LOOT! Endless Treasures!
Explore a variety of dungeons overflowing with endless treasures and powerful gear.

"Rumble Squad: Idle RPG" is a streamlined adventure that’s simple to start but engaging to master. Download now and begin your journey through the fields of battle!


PC에서 우당탕탕 탐험대: 방치형 RPG 플레이해보세요.

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