Wool Inc
None | CyberJoy Game
BlueStacksを使ってPCでプレイ - 5憶以上のユーザーが愛用している高機能Androidゲーミングプラットフォーム
Play Wool Inc on PC
You have taken over a wool factory which is almost in ruins.
Sheep are roaming and grazing on the farm.
They are in desperate need of a haircut!
How does your factory work?
-Shear the sheep
-Clean the rare wool
-Bale the cleaned wool
-Take the orders from your clients
What can you do?
-Build machines for the production line
-Hire workers to work for you
-Purchases the delivery vehicles
-Hire managers to run the operation
With your efforts, the factory can work automatically.
Promote the productivity by leveling up machines and training workers, and managers can also help to achieve your goal.
Analyze data and make wise decisions to make your business grow!
Let’s build your Wool Empire!
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/thewoolinc
Sheep are roaming and grazing on the farm.
They are in desperate need of a haircut!
How does your factory work?
-Shear the sheep
-Clean the rare wool
-Bale the cleaned wool
-Take the orders from your clients
What can you do?
-Build machines for the production line
-Hire workers to work for you
-Purchases the delivery vehicles
-Hire managers to run the operation
With your efforts, the factory can work automatically.
Promote the productivity by leveling up machines and training workers, and managers can also help to achieve your goal.
Analyze data and make wise decisions to make your business grow!
Let’s build your Wool Empire!
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/thewoolinc
Wool IncをPCでプレイ
GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストアにアクセスします。(こちらの操作は後で行っても問題ありません)
右上の検索バーにWool Incを入力して検索します。
クリックして検索結果からWool Incをインストールします。
Googleサインインを完了してWool Incをインストールします。※手順2を飛ばしていた場合
ホーム画面にてWool Incのアイコンをクリックしてアプリを起動します。