HU: Experience the God Sound
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play HU: Experience the God Sound on PC
Discover HU, a sacred sound, an ancient mantra.
This sacred word can spiritually uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life. Sing HU, and find more divine love in life. You have the potential for greater happiness, love, and wisdom.
It is freely given—a gift beyond measure.
What the HU app does:
With this app you will be able to
o LISTEN to thousands of people singing their love for God (twenty-minute audio recording),
o WATCH an uplifting video about the HU and how to recognize miracles in your life,
o TRY spiritual exercises for purification, balance, and building spiritual stamina,
Anyone can sing HU, regardless of age, background, or religion. It is a simple technique that can be used as part of your daily spiritual practice. It has the power to uplift you spiritually for inner peace, healing, and insight.
What is HU?
HU is the Sound behind all sounds, woven into the language of life.
It is the wind in the leaves, falling rain, thunder of jets, singing of birds, the awful rumble of a tornado. Its sound is heard in laughter, weeping, the din of city traffic, ocean waves, and the quiet rippling of a mountain stream. It is a word people anywhere can use to address the Originator of Life.
In time you may come to know it as the audible whisper of God’s love stirring in your very atoms. A proof that Soul exists because God loves It.
This app is presented by ECKANKAR for people of all faiths. It is a gift to you, and for anyone looking to experience more divine love in life.
This sacred word can spiritually uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life. Sing HU, and find more divine love in life. You have the potential for greater happiness, love, and wisdom.
It is freely given—a gift beyond measure.
What the HU app does:
With this app you will be able to
o LISTEN to thousands of people singing their love for God (twenty-minute audio recording),
o WATCH an uplifting video about the HU and how to recognize miracles in your life,
o TRY spiritual exercises for purification, balance, and building spiritual stamina,
Anyone can sing HU, regardless of age, background, or religion. It is a simple technique that can be used as part of your daily spiritual practice. It has the power to uplift you spiritually for inner peace, healing, and insight.
What is HU?
HU is the Sound behind all sounds, woven into the language of life.
It is the wind in the leaves, falling rain, thunder of jets, singing of birds, the awful rumble of a tornado. Its sound is heard in laughter, weeping, the din of city traffic, ocean waves, and the quiet rippling of a mountain stream. It is a word people anywhere can use to address the Originator of Life.
In time you may come to know it as the audible whisper of God’s love stirring in your very atoms. A proof that Soul exists because God loves It.
This app is presented by ECKANKAR for people of all faiths. It is a gift to you, and for anyone looking to experience more divine love in life.
PC에서 HU: Experience the God Sound 플레이해보세요.
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