

休閒 | Doublethink Games

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2022年1月19日

Play Raccoopy on PC

Raccoons are very clever at recovering items, with the Raccoopys' ability to create items from wood, no one will know the difference! Don't you think?
You are the boss! Choose one of more than 100 items available for the Raccoopys to trade, remember that you always have to leave something in return to have a fair trade. Decorate your home! Once the Raccoopy trades the object, you can store it in a chest or display it inside the house, choose one of the available rooms to display your precious trophies to the rhythm of Lo- Fi music.
Decorate the dream home of Alex and the Raccoopys!

在電腦上遊玩Raccoopy . 輕易上手.

  • 在您的電腦上下載並安裝BlueStacks

  • 完成Google登入後即可訪問Play商店,或等你需要訪問Play商店十再登入

  • 在右上角的搜索欄中尋找 Raccoopy

  • 點擊以從搜索結果中安裝 Raccoopy

  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 Raccoopy

  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 Raccoopy 圖標來啟動遊戲
