Dreame Lite
None | Dreame Media
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
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Dreame Lite-Reading Completes Me.
Dreame Lite is a dreamy community for female readers and writers providing captivating, serialized online fiction. It is a reading platform where readers can immerses themselves into the latest fascinating stories anywhere and anytime; a dream land where upcoming authors can fulfill their dream as a successful writer.
i. Various genres are included such as teen fictions, romance, chicklit, werewolf, vampire & suspense;
ii. Stories are daily-updated for readers;
iii. A specially-made user interface meeting female readers’ taste;
iv.Supports to writers by providing promotions, tutorials, workshops, and publishing guides.
Dreame Lite is a dreamy community for female readers and writers providing captivating, serialized online fiction. It is a reading platform where readers can immerses themselves into the latest fascinating stories anywhere and anytime; a dream land where upcoming authors can fulfill their dream as a successful writer.
i. Various genres are included such as teen fictions, romance, chicklit, werewolf, vampire & suspense;
ii. Stories are daily-updated for readers;
iii. A specially-made user interface meeting female readers’ taste;
iv.Supports to writers by providing promotions, tutorials, workshops, and publishing guides.
PC에서 Dreame Lite 플레이해보세요.
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