Ethiopian Crew App
여행 및 지역정보 | Ethiopian Airlines
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Ethiopian Crew App on PC
Ethiopian Crew App
This app is created to help Ethiopian cabin crew members for their day to day operation
1. Login
Enables Ethiopian cabin crew members to login to access schedule and manuals.
2. Flight information
Enables Ethiopian cabin crew members to fetch their assigned flights information
3. Manuals
Contains various crew manuals like Cabin Announcement Manual, Safety Manual etc.
4. Bulletin and Notice
Enable crews to get information about changes like manual, medical and regulatory changes.
5. Submit different types of forms
6. Push Notifications
7. Messaging Between Crews and Departments
8. Weather Forcast
This app is created to help Ethiopian cabin crew members for their day to day operation
1. Login
Enables Ethiopian cabin crew members to login to access schedule and manuals.
2. Flight information
Enables Ethiopian cabin crew members to fetch their assigned flights information
3. Manuals
Contains various crew manuals like Cabin Announcement Manual, Safety Manual etc.
4. Bulletin and Notice
Enable crews to get information about changes like manual, medical and regulatory changes.
5. Submit different types of forms
6. Push Notifications
7. Messaging Between Crews and Departments
8. Weather Forcast
PC에서 Ethiopian Crew App 플레이해보세요.
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