Сканворды на русском
Juega en PC con BlueStacks: la plataforma de juegos Android, en la que confían más de 500 millones de jugadores.
Página modificada el: 30 nov 2023
Play Сканворды на русском on PC
Crosswords help develop creative thinking, improve analytical skills and expand vocabulary. Not only is it a healthy and mentally stimulating activity, but it is also a great way to spend your free time.
• A huge set of various scanwords for every taste
- More than 40,000 unique questions, 3,200 scanwords.
- Unlimited number of absolutely free tips.
- High quality content: all tasks are checked by a special program.
• Convenient to play
- Large font for easy reading.
- The grids can be zoomed in to make it convenient to play even on a small screen.
- Horizontal or vertical screen orientation for large tablets.
- You can choose a full or anagram keyboard and enable the key sound.
• Does not require an Internet connection
• Light/dark mode
- Dark (night) mode reduces eye strain and is very suitable in low light conditions.
• Automatic saving to make the solving process as convenient as possible
- You can start solving any crossword puzzle.
• Absolutely free
- No hidden costs, all scanwords are open to all players.
- Your answers are instantly checked.
- If you don’t know the answer, you can use 3 types of free hints.
• The application is optimized for phones, tablets and all screen sizes
- Intuitive controls.
- Takes up little space on the device.
- Does not load the battery due to the minimum system requirements.
• No time limits
- Play at your own pace.
For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us in any way convenient for you (e-mail: support@fgcos.com or through the “Contact us” section in the game itself).
We wish you to have fun solving crossword puzzles!
Juega Сканворды на русском en la PC. Es fácil comenzar.
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Haz clic en el ícono Сканворды на русском en la pantalla de inicio para comenzar a jugar