Dino Puzzles

Dino Puzzles

Puzzle | forqan smart tech

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2019年3月19日

Play Dino Puzzles on PC

The dinosaur puzzles is a wonderful puzzle game for both adults and children.

Much thought has been invested into making this game educational and entertaining at the same time.

The game offers several key features:
✔ All puzzle pieces have the same shape (square), which helps the player focus on finding the next piece based on its content rather than shape, which is more challenging, and thus more beneficial for development.
✔ A limited number of pieces is displayed for selection at any given time. We have developed a special smart algorithm which decides which of the missing pieces to show. This narrows down the matching possibilities, making the game even more interesting
✔ The game tracks the player’s progress, and adjusts the complexity of the puzzle accordingly, so that the player is neither bored by simplicity nor overwhelmed by complexity.
✔ If the puzzle appears to be too difficult anyway, it is displayed in black&white to make it even easier. A smart algorithm decides when to switch this mode on or off.
✔ A cute interactive animation is displayed every now and then to make this game even more enjoyable.
✔ The player can select the number of small pieces in the puzzle: 4, 9, 16, 25, or (only on tablets) 36.

Our goal at Forqan Smart Tech is to provide the best value for your family, allowing them to develop visual and cognitive abilities, to learn to communicate with their peers and the environment around them, and to acquire important life skills. Each game is designed by a professional for the specific age group.

It is the time to have fun and learn with our wonderful "Dinosaurs Puzzles" game!

在電腦上遊玩Dino Puzzles . 輕易上手.

  • 在您的電腦上下載並安裝BlueStacks

  • 完成Google登入後即可訪問Play商店,或等你需要訪問Play商店十再登入

  • 在右上角的搜索欄中尋找 Dino Puzzles

  • 點擊以從搜索結果中安裝 Dino Puzzles

  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 Dino Puzzles

  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 Dino Puzzles 圖標來啟動遊戲
