Attack of the Dead: Romance you Choose

Attack of the Dead: Romance you Choose

Simulation | Genius Inc

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2020년 9월 25일

Play Attack of the Dead: Romance you Choose on PC


The world’s never been the same since the zombie outbreak occurred. Your average life turned into an endless fight for survival. But you became strong - So strong that the people around you call you “Lioness.” You managed to make a living as a soldier in a small community of survivors and your latest mission is to secure a supply of food. But things go south and the zombies attack! Just when you think you’re a goner, a mysterious figure wielding two knives takes out all of the zombies in front of you…


The man calls himself “Zero” and you somehow convince him to join your community. With a powerful new ally, you hope that things will change. But the fight for survival has just begun. Will you and your new squad be able to survive an onslaught of zombies? Are zombies even the most terrifying enemy you will have to face…?

Find out in Attack of the Dead!


This taciturn fighter is a member of your squad and an excellent marksman. He’s a man on a mission who wants to rid the world of every last zombie in existence. Will he ever open up his heart to you?

He’s your squad’s leader and a well-respected man within your community. He truly cares about all of his squad members and will always have your back. However, there are hints of a dark past that changed him forever.

This mysterious man is unparalleled in his knife-fighting skills and is a powerful new ally. He’s cold-hearted and borderline sadistic but you soon learn that he’s much more complicated than you ever expected...

PC에서 Attack of the Dead: Romance you Choose 플레이해보세요.

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