Spiele auf dem PC mit BlueStacks - der Android-Gaming-Plattform, der über 500 Millionen Spieler vertrauen.
Seite geändert am: 6. Oktober 2021
By joining the HERE WeGo Beta family, you get access to upcoming features, in advance.
We're very excited to have you on board and look forward to getting your feedback.
Whether it's positive or negative — we want to know!
Got a cool idea on making this app more personalized to your needs? Tell us today!
We'll use your feedback to tweak or add features to the app – so let's explore together.
What's new about HERE WeGo?
Thanks to your feedback, we're bringing you a fresh, new design. We've rethought every map tile down to the pixel (and we have many), with the goal of creating an app that guides you on your daily journeys, long or short. We aim to provide more than just navigation and have more surprises in store for you.
Excited? Then stay tuned!
And please don't forget: All feedback counts!
Get in touch with our team:
Bye for now. Just don't forget to write us!
Enjoy the journey, with HERE WeGo.
Spiele HERE WeGo BETA auf dem PC. Der Einstieg ist einfach.
Lade BlueStacks herunter und installiere es auf deinem PC
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Suche in der Suchleiste oben rechts nach HERE WeGo BETA
Klicke hier, um HERE WeGo BETA aus den Suchergebnissen zu installieren
Schließe die Google-Anmeldung ab (wenn du Schritt 2 übersprungen hast), um HERE WeGo BETA zu installieren.
Klicke auf dem Startbildschirm auf das HERE WeGo BETA Symbol, um mit dem Spielen zu beginnen