薄櫻鬼 真改 風之章

薄櫻鬼 真改 風之章

冒險 | Komoe Game

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2019年12月16日

Play 薄櫻鬼 真改 風之章 on PC

■ Plot
Wenjiu three years-
In search of his lost father, a young girl named Chimura Yukimura set off from Edo to Kyoto.
When tangled in a strange city, she encounters an unusual person who thirsts for blood.
And, the newly-selected teammates who cut down those people.
Driven by a wonderful fate, Qianhe began to act with the newly selected team.
Mysterious swordsmen who appeared in front of Qianhe and the newly selected team during the father-seeking process.
The secret of the newly-selected team, Luo Sha's existence, is also clearly revealed.
Men in chaotic times, wielding swords for ideals and convictions.
The story of the girl who resolutely chose to go with them, imprinting their posture on their minds.

■ Description
You can play the story from the beginning.
※ The first time you play "Sakura Ghost Real Change", it is recommended to start the game from "Sakura Ghost Real Change".

■ Price
170 (TWD); 38 (HKD)

■ Starring Information
Toshikata Suzo (CV: Miki Shinichiro)
Director Okita (CV: Morikubo Shotaro)
Saito I (CV: Toriumi Kosuke)
Fujido Heisuke (CV: Yukio Yoshino)
Harada Sasuke (CV: Yusuke Koji)
Kazama Chiken (CV: Tsuda Kenjiro)
Yongcang Xinba (CV: Ping Jing Zhihao)
Shannan Jingsuke (CV: Hida Hideo)
Yamazaki Aya (CV: Suzuki Takamasa)
Itinhachiro (CV: Miyano Mamoru)
Soma Master (CV: 梶 Yugui)
Sakamoto Ryoma (CV: Ono Daisuke)

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