Lies of Astaroths
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Lies of Astaroths on PC
Lies of Astaroths is a mobile TCG, Des card game introduced and published in 2012. At that moment, the game was designed by flash system. Nowadays, we rebuilt the game system by Unity, and put a lot of new features in the 4.3 version. Here are a list of details as following:
1. Cards developing system: Cards in the 4.3 version can not only enchant and involve, but they also can be shuffled and attribution promoted.
2. Gears system: Heroes in the 4.3 version are not vulnerable. They now can equip gears. Unique and special skills are designed to gears for sure.
3. Event systems: Today's events are not just limited by purchasing packages, Choe-Shop and Lilith. There are more now.
4. New maps are updated, too.
5. For free players, they are now have a way to gain free diamonds in the daily events.
For more, why don't you check it yourself in the game?
1. Cards developing system: Cards in the 4.3 version can not only enchant and involve, but they also can be shuffled and attribution promoted.
2. Gears system: Heroes in the 4.3 version are not vulnerable. They now can equip gears. Unique and special skills are designed to gears for sure.
3. Event systems: Today's events are not just limited by purchasing packages, Choe-Shop and Lilith. There are more now.
4. New maps are updated, too.
5. For free players, they are now have a way to gain free diamonds in the daily events.
For more, why don't you check it yourself in the game?
PC에서 Lies of Astaroths 플레이해보세요.
BlueStacks 다운로드하고 설치
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