PaperSplash - Wallpapers

PaperSplash - Wallpapers

Personnalisation | J.Lindemann

Jouez sur PC avec BlueStacks - la plate-forme de jeu Android, approuvée par + 500M de joueurs.

Page Modifiée le: 22 décembre 2021

Play PaperSplash - Wallpapers on PC

Browse beautiful wallpapers from Unsplash in a minimal and beautiful user interface based on Material You with no nonsense. Choose between the latest wallpaper, featured wallpapers, todays wallpaper or search for your perfect wallpaper.

Use the "Wallpaper of the Day" function to get a new beautiful wallpaper everyday, or explore the many beautiful wallpapers PaperSplash has to offer! When you find your perfect wallpaper, use the icon feature to preview icons above the wallpaper. Remember to adjust the brightness to match, so you get the best home screen you can get!

Don't find your perfect wallpaper at the front of the app. Use the search function or sort images by categories to tailor the results to your liking. You can also sort wallpapers by colors if you want the wallpaper to match your icons, or for other reasons!

• Minimal Design based on Material You with support for Dynamic Colors
• No Ads or other Nonsense
• 'Wallpaper of the Day' section with a daily curated wallpapers
• 'Featured' section with high quality wallpapers
• 'Search' for your specific taste
• 'Categories' to sort wallpapers after your taste (Available in search menu)
• 'Color categories' to sort wallpapers after you color preference (Available in the search menu)
• Inspect Wallpaper with icons above before applying

• "Latest, Featured, Search and Categories" are powered by
• "Wallpapers of the Day" is a combination of different free image sources.

All images are free to use!

Jouez à PaperSplash - Wallpapers sur PC. C'est facile de commencer.

  • Téléchargez et installez BlueStacks sur votre PC

  • Connectez-vous à Google pour accéder au Play Store ou faites-le plus tard

  • Recherchez PaperSplash - Wallpapers dans la barre de recherche dans le coin supérieur droit

  • Cliquez pour installer PaperSplash - Wallpapers à partir des résultats de la recherche

  • Connectez-vous à Google (si vous avez ignoré l'étape 2) pour installer PaperSplash - Wallpapers

  • Cliquez sur l'icône PaperSplash - Wallpapers sur l'écran d'accueil pour commencer à jouer

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