창세기전 : 안타리아의 전쟁

창세기전 : 안타리아의 전쟁

롤플레잉 | Kakao Games Corp.

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2021. 3. 3.

Play 창세기전 : 안타리아의 전쟁 on PC

Strategy and RPG perfectly crossed!

▣ Game introduction

The first mobile phone to look forward to Genesis
Brilliant resurrection of heroes from the pre-Genesis series
Innovative systems such as custom stories and stock systems

The story remains! Play is new!
Based on the original story of the Genesis series
"Pre-Genesis: The War of Antalya" finally reborn on mobile

Battle is a hero and war is a strategy!
Battle fun with unique skills of pre-Genesis heroes
Magnificent strategic war in MMO world map unfolding in unfairness and epic

A massive guild battle under your command!
Aiming at the server's strongest guild
Fierce bout wars with guilds around the world!

If you're still curious about "Genesis: The War of Antalya"?

▣ Official Community

▶ "Genesis: War of Antalya" Official Cafe: https://cafe.naver.com/gnssantaria

▣ Smartphone App Access Permission Guide
When using the app, we are requesting access to provide the following services.

[Optional access rights]
Storage, camera permissions: To support profile customization, you need to allow photos, media, files, and external storage and camera permissions.

[How to withdraw access rights]
▶ Android 6.0 or higher: Settings> Apps> Privilege item selection> Privilege list> Choose to agree or revoke access
▶ Under Android 6.0: Upgrade the operating system to revoke access or delete apps

※ The app may not provide individual consent functions, and access rights may be revoked by the above method.
※ If you are using Android version 6.0 or below, you cannot set the optional access authority individually, so we recommend upgrading to 6.0 or higher.

PC에서 창세기전 : 안타리아의 전쟁 플레이해보세요.

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