AlphaBetty Saga
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play AlphaBetty Saga on PC or Mac
In the very first social word game from game designer King, you are tasked with helping Betty the mouse on an adventure that will take you to the far stretches of Betty’s world. Betty and her friend Barney have to assemble the Encyclopedia of Everything, but they need new words. Play through many chapters of Betty’s adventure and try to find words in a giant letter jumble. The more words you find, the better chance Better and Barney have of completing their adventure. Grab your adventurer hat and hit the road with AlphaBetty Saga.
Betty and Barney are in desperate need of your words, but trying to link the right letters together on your small mobile screen can be difficult at times. Play AlphaBetty Saga on PC or Mac and you won;t have to worry about that anymore. Use the free BlueStacks Android Emulator and you can play AlphaBetty Saga on your computer, along with thousands of other Android titles. The sky is the limit when you have the BlueStacks Advantage on your side. Control all of the word finding action with your mouse and say goodbye to accidental hits.
PC에서 AlphaBetty Saga 플레이해보세요.
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