Korean Letters (Hangul)

Korean Letters (Hangul)

Eğitim | Korean Alive, LLC

500M + oyuncunun güvendiği Android Oyun Platformu, BlueStacks ile PC'de oynayın.

Sayfa Değiştirilme tarihi: 20 Ekim 2013

Play Korean Letters (Hangul) on PC

Learn how to read Korean letters.


Start learning immediately. The app is designed not to have any instructions in any language, yet you will learn how to read Korean letters as you follow through 19 chapters. It shows you (not tells you) the underlying logic and also helps you memorize them for good.

Most Korean Alphabet learning applications explain Hangul alphabet itself but not much toward real examples of how they can be put together. Korean Letters focuses on teaching you how to read Korean letters. We used loan words that Koreans use in Korea as examples, so that you relate how Korean Alphabet can be assembled to notate the pronunciation you know, and also you learn how Koreans pronounce them in their way. When you see picture pages with those loan words, try to guess how Korean alphabet can be used to write the sound of what you know, such as Nano, Banana, Guitar, Taekwondo, Dora, etc. It is really fun.

Test yourself when you go to a Korean restaurant and face the menu. Test yourself with your favorite Korean song lyrics. You will be surprised that you can actually read them now!

Try Korean Letters Lite for free to see how it works. It contains the first five chapters.

Korean Letters (Hangul) oyununu PC'de oyna. Başlamak çok kolay.

  • BlueStacks'i PC'nize İndirin ve Yükleyin

  • Play Store'a erişmek için Google girişi yapın ya da daha sonraya bırakın.

  • Sağ üst köşeye Korean Letters (Hangul) yazarak arayın.

  • Korean Letters (Hangul) uygulamasını arama sonuçlarından indirmek için tıklayın.

  • (iEğer Adım 2'yi atladıysanız) Korean Letters (Hangul) uygulamasını yüklemek için Google'a giriş yapın.

  • Oynatmaya başlatmak için ekrandaki Korean Letters (Hangul) ikonuna tıklayın.

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