Virtual Villagers: Origins
Casual | Last Day of Work, LLC
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Virtual Villagers: Origins on PC
**For the first time in HD, with sharper villagers and full pinch-zoom!**
Care for and nurture a tribe of little people by teaching them the basics of survival. Fleeing from a volcano eruption, your little villagers find themselves stranded on a mysterious new island. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists, parents and make decisions about unpredictable ‘island events’! Guide their day-to-day lives and help them explore and restore their new home. As your village grows and prospers, your villagers become curious about their mysterious new island home and the secrets it holds. HOW WILL YOU LEAD YOUR TRIBE?
Care for and nurture a tribe of little people by teaching them the basics of survival. Fleeing from a volcano eruption, your little villagers find themselves stranded on a mysterious new island. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists, parents and make decisions about unpredictable ‘island events’! Guide their day-to-day lives and help them explore and restore their new home. As your village grows and prospers, your villagers become curious about their mysterious new island home and the secrets it holds. HOW WILL YOU LEAD YOUR TRIBE?
PC에서 Virtual Villagers: Origins 플레이해보세요.
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