LINE 熊大農場

LINE 熊大農場

模擬 | LINE (LY Corporation)

在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。

網頁修改於: 2024年12月25日


Everyone's favorite LINE character, Brown, has taken up farming!
He's having a bit of trouble getting started, so the rest of the Brown clan have come to help him out!
Learn how to make the best farm ever with Uncle Brown, the "god of farming"!

Live the farmer's life in LINE Brown Farm! Whether you're helping other LINE characters, visiting your LINE friends' farms, or shooting the breeze with the many others of the Brown clan, there's tons of farming fun to be had!

■■ Update Notice ■■

???: Adorable little crops! Feel my light!
I'm a big bear, but fear not!
Mega Brown, the guardian god of the farm,
has come down to bless your fields!
A myth of a giant bear was passed down from the time of Uncle Brown’s uncle’s uncle...!
Climb the Sacred Tree right now and wake up the Mega Browns!

- Help out Moon, Cony, and other members of the LINE gang to get Coins!
- The Little Browns that live on the farm will help you out with all kinds of farming jobs!
- Use Coins to build new facilities and to make your farm look awesome!
- Ever wondered what your friends' farms look like? Visit them and find out!
- Level up artisan Browns to trigger awesome events!

Build your very own farm, your way, at your own pace!

在電腦上遊玩LINE 熊大農場 . 輕易上手.

  • 在您的電腦上下載並安裝BlueStacks

  • 完成Google登入後即可訪問Play商店,或等你需要訪問Play商店十再登入

  • 在右上角的搜索欄中尋找 LINE 熊大農場

  • 點擊以從搜索結果中安裝 LINE 熊大農場

  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 LINE 熊大農場

  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 LINE 熊大農場 圖標來啟動遊戲
