Fasttrack ATPL

Fasttrack ATPL

Educational | Logikwerk GmbH

BlueStacksを使ってPCでプレイ - 5憶以上のユーザーが愛用している高機能Androidゲーミングプラットフォーム

ページ更新日: 2020年1月15日

Play Fasttrack ATPL on PC

This app provides you with an up-to-date questionbank of more than 8.000 ATPL questions (according to EASA, former JAA), 1.800 question für the Chinese ATPL (CAAC) and more than 1.000 question for the GCAA „Air Law and Operational Procedures“ exam (Middle East, e.g. UAE).

As special highlight each question of General Navigation (as part of the EASA ATPL package) contains a detailed explanation of the solution. Thus you should not have any difficulties to grasp this challenging subject.


Each of the following packages can be subscribed in-app:

1. EASA ATPL Package (former JAA)

ATPL Fasttrack is an unique app which offers you an efficient way to prepare for your ATPL exam according to EASA (former JAA).

The following subjects are available to be downloaded as combined packages. Moreover the subject General Navigation provides you with a detailed explanation of the solution for each question.

- Air Law
- Airframe/ Systems/ Powerplant
- Instruments/ Electronics
- Mass and Balance
- Performance
- Flight Planing and Monitoring
- Human Performance and Limitations
- Meteorology
- General Navigation
- Radio Navigation
- Operational Procedures
- Principles Flight
- IFR Communications
- VFR Communications (german)

2. Air Law and Operational Procedures Middle East (e.g. UAE GCAA)

In addition to that we provide especially applicants from the Middle East Region with an up to date question bank for the subject “Air Law and Operational Procedures“, for example for the UAE GCAA exam.

3. CAAC Chinese ATPL (NEW)

All in one English questionbank for your ultimate preparation for the Chinese CAAC ATPL exam. If you are planing to go for the Chinese ATPL license this app will be of great help to you!

It covers all relevant chapters like Meteorology, Aerodynamics, Navigation, not to forget the tricky Civil Aviation Law, Public Air Transport, ICAO Convention and Annex and many more. An app which offers you an efficient and quick way to your success!


Additionally the program provides you with the following substantial features:

- Constantly updated question bank
- Subtopic filters
- Easy to use interface
- Study and Exam Mode
- Statistical Analysis
- Function to mark and unmark questions
- Officially used attachments

With this application we hope that we can provide you with an opportunity to easily pass your exams as we did a couple of years ago. The general idea for this program arose when we were struggling with the provided outdated learning material ourselves. At that time we were desperately looking for a guidance to solve the questions in a comprehensible manner. Thus we see our project as a support for future generation of pilots. Consequently you are more than welcome to give us feedback any time.

Fasttrack ATPLをPCでプレイ

  • BlueStacksをダウンロードしてPCにインストールします。

  • GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストアにアクセスします。(こちらの操作は後で行っても問題ありません)

  • 右上の検索バーにFasttrack ATPLを入力して検索します。

  • クリックして検索結果からFasttrack ATPLをインストールします。

  • Googleサインインを完了してFasttrack ATPLをインストールします。※手順2を飛ばしていた場合

  • ホーム画面にてFasttrack ATPLのアイコンをクリックしてアプリを起動します。
