NovelFox-Read Romance Stories

NovelFox-Read Romance Stories

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Strona zmodyfikowana w dniu: 25 lutego 2022

Play NovelFox-Read Romance Stories on PC

Your NovelFox library is at your fingertips! Search and sort through all of your BookFunnel books and send them right to your favorite reading app. Or, save time and space, and read right in our all new reader!

Most books you receive from a NovelFox author are added to your library automatically. Or, you can enter the book’s download code into the app and add it manually. Tapping any book cover in the app will open it instantly You can also get instructions on downloading the book to a different device entirely.

Read in our app or cloud reader and customize the settings for your comfort. Choose your ideal font type and text size, line spacing, and margins. Tap any book cover in your library to open it in our reader and get started.

Our brand-new audiobook player has the features you expect— bookmarks, download quality, and a beautiful, easy-to-navigate player. The NovelFox app also gives you the ability to fine-tune the settings you really care about, including playback speed, custom skip-back and skip-forward buttons, and a sleep timer.

Sync your books across devices and never lose your place. When you’re reading a book in our app, NovelFox will automatically mark your last page read and zing you back to it the next time you open the book, so switch freely between your phone and tablet and back again.

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  • Klinij w ikonę NovelFox-Read Romance Stories na ekranie startowym, aby zacząć grę

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