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Content is rated purely for its relevance & recency, regardless of political standing.
Every news organization has its own biases, even the ones who say they don't.
But with Newzit you will always get both sides of a story.
You might see articles that upset you but there is no fake news, because we won't index the sites who produce it.
Pay-walled sites are treated the same as everyone else, although their content will be flagged for users.
In time the home pages you visit most often will be presented to you first.
So far we have indexed 900+ US sites and 200+ UK sites.
Shortly we will be adding news sites from Australia, New Zealand and Canada with Top
Story options for those countries to follow.
Key features:
• You can either use the search bar or browse the day’s 60 Top Stories in the US and UK, picked strictly by algorithm.
• Top Stories are presented for the US and UK. You can toggle between the two by clicking the relevant flag at the top of the page.
• By clicking the 'See more version' button for each group you will be shown the same story as covered by other sites.
• You can also click on any of the most-searched terms of the moment in the ‘ticker tape’ at the top of the page.
• Thumbnails of popular home pages for the US and UK are included so you can see at a glance what is going on in your country and visit those sites directly by clicking the relevant page.
• Enjoy Newzit in dark-mode if you prefer.
Every news organization has its own biases, even the ones who say they don't.
But with Newzit you will always get both sides of a story.
You might see articles that upset you but there is no fake news, because we won't index the sites who produce it.
Pay-walled sites are treated the same as everyone else, although their content will be flagged for users.
In time the home pages you visit most often will be presented to you first.
So far we have indexed 900+ US sites and 200+ UK sites.
Shortly we will be adding news sites from Australia, New Zealand and Canada with Top
Story options for those countries to follow.
Key features:
• You can either use the search bar or browse the day’s 60 Top Stories in the US and UK, picked strictly by algorithm.
• Top Stories are presented for the US and UK. You can toggle between the two by clicking the relevant flag at the top of the page.
• By clicking the 'See more version' button for each group you will be shown the same story as covered by other sites.
• You can also click on any of the most-searched terms of the moment in the ‘ticker tape’ at the top of the page.
• Thumbnails of popular home pages for the US and UK are included so you can see at a glance what is going on in your country and visit those sites directly by clicking the relevant page.
• Enjoy Newzit in dark-mode if you prefer.
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