Cloud Notify - dev tool
Tools | Pocket Brilliance Limited
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Cloud Notify - dev tool on PC
Cloud Notify is a beautifully simple, free alerting service. Are you a IT professional that needs to monitor vital infrastructure or a tinkerer who just wants an alert from your next cool project. No matter who you are or what you do Cloud Notify can help!
You will need to register at before using this app.
Get started in no time, quickly and easily. Just register your device to your Cloud Notify account and begin sending alerts using our super simple API.
Note for Reviewers
If there is a feature you would like or you require an issue to be resolved please email me and I will gladly help.
Have your say
Cloud Notify is designed to be beautifully simple to use. This app is in active development with the most popular feature requests / suggestions added over time. So if you want to shape the future of Cloud Notify just give us your feedback.
You will need to register at before using this app.
Get started in no time, quickly and easily. Just register your device to your Cloud Notify account and begin sending alerts using our super simple API.
Note for Reviewers
If there is a feature you would like or you require an issue to be resolved please email me and I will gladly help.
Have your say
Cloud Notify is designed to be beautifully simple to use. This app is in active development with the most popular feature requests / suggestions added over time. So if you want to shape the future of Cloud Notify just give us your feedback.
PC에서 Cloud Notify - dev tool 플레이해보세요.
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