루프용사 키우기

루프용사 키우기

어드벤처 | The MyWay Games

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2024. 11. 6.

Play Knights of Loop : Idle on PC

Long ago, a hero vanquished the dark curse that engulfed the world. Peaceful times passed, but the curse was merely sleeping... Now it has revived, stronger than ever. You have been chosen as the new guardian of this world. Awakened in a world of endless cycles, you must inherit the legacy of the previous hero to face this curse. With each cycle, you become stronger and wiser. Deploy enemies, devise strategies, and grow through battle. Your choices will determine the fate of this world. Can you break this endless cycle and save the world? Or will you remain trapped in this curse forever?
The Curse of Cycles, you who inherit the will of the previous loop hero. And now begins the story of a new hero.
The Curse of Cycles: Birth of a New Hero
The ancient curse has awakened again. A once peaceful world is now trapped in an infinitely repeating cycle of chaos. You have been chosen as the destined hero to break this endless cycle.
■ Game Features

Cyclic World: Explore a unique world map that changes with each cycle
Strategic Tile Placement: Strategically place monster tiles and battle support tiles to create your own challenges
Evolving Combat: Defeat enemies and gain experience to grow into a more powerful hero
Connection of Past and Present: Follow in the footsteps of the legendary previous hero while creating your own story

PC에서 루프용사 키우기 플레이해보세요.

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