Rebel Inc.: 시나리오 제작기

Rebel Inc.: 시나리오 제작기

Entertainment | Ndemic Creations

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2024. 1. 8.

Run Rebel Inc: Scenario Creator on PC or Mac

Get freedom from your phone’s obvious limitations. Use Rebel Inc: Scenario Creator, made by Ndemic Creations, a Entertainment app on your PC or Mac with BlueStacks, and level up your experience.

About the App

Unleash your imagination with Rebel Inc: Scenario Creator by Ndemic Creations. This isn’t just any entertainment app—it’s a powerful tool that lets you craft your own unique scenarios for the original Rebel Inc. From customizing governors to designing dynamic challenges, express your creativity and share your scenarios with the Rebel Inc. community.

App Features

Custom Governors & Tactics:
Bring your vision to life by designing governors with unique skills and appearances. Tweak their abilities in the Initiative Editor and create personalized tactics with custom icons.

Game Mechanics Mastery:
Adjust core game variables—Civilian, Military, Insurgent, and Zone—to reinvent the Rebel Inc. experience. Configure your scenarios for tailored gameplay.

Structures & Terrain:
Create immersive worlds with specific Structures. Strengthen armies with Garrisons or challenge players with hidden Tunnel systems.

Unique Initiatives:
Transform the game with your personalized Initiatives. Design their names, visuals, and effects, ensuring every scenario plays out uniquely.

Share with the World:
Publish your scenarios via the Ndemic Nexus, letting others explore and challenge your creations.

For a seamless experience, consider playing on BlueStacks.

Ready to experience Rebel Inc: Scenario Creator on a bigger screen, in all its glory? Download BlueStacks now.

PC에서 Rebel Inc.: 시나리오 제작기 플레이해보세요.

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