NetMotion Diagnostics®
Spiele auf dem PC mit BlueStacks - der Android-Gaming-Plattform, der über 500 Millionen Spieler vertrauen.
Seite geändert am: 7. Oktober 2019
Play NetMotion Diagnostics® on PC
Automate troubleshooting - With dynamic Mobility policies or with the click of a button, analyze the data path between devices and application servers to identify the root cause of a connectivity problem.
Reduce Mean-Time-to-Repair - Instead of trial-and-error troubleshooting or multiple calls between carrier, application and device vendors, Diagnostics pinpoints probable causes, dramatically reducing mean-time-to-repair (MTTR).
Shift from Reactive to Proactive - With access to actionable, GPS-located network, device and usage data from the field, IT teams can analyze and plan rather than just react.
Improve Supportability - Gain insight into how devices perform and the most common causes for failure in different environments.
Flexible Deployment - the server may be deployed on-premises or deployed as a cloud-hosted SaaS (Software as a Service) subscription.
NOTE: NetMotion Diagnostics requires a Diagnostics server, available as SaaS or on-premises. For details, visit
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Klicke auf dem Startbildschirm auf das NetMotion Diagnostics® Symbol, um mit dem Spielen zu beginnen