소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden

소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden

전략 | Rayark International Limited

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2023. 11. 20.

Play Soul of Eden on PC or Mac

Soul of Eden on PC is a card game where you get to engage in PvP competitive gameplay with other players around the world. Join in the different challenges, enjoy the unique spread system, and the thrilling four-minute games.

Soul of Eden is a mobile real-time strategy card game offered by Rayark International Limited. Pre-registration is currently ongoing, and the app will soon be available for downloads on Android and iOS platforms. Download Soul of Eden strategy game and challenge contestants worldwide.

There are four major factions, and you must choose your destined one. Would it be the tech-savvy Republic, the sword-and-magic wielding Empire, the savage Beasts, or the unpredictable Aliens? The choice is yours. Ensure you choose wisely the faction that will lead you to glory.

Each player can choose their styles from the four different factions and enjoy how the story unfolds and intertwines. You have 100+ unique cards and deck flexibility of 30 cards. Create your tactics while unleashing your strategic potential!

Take advantage of the unique spread deploy system and use endless formations in battle. Turn the tide of action using the skills of your legendary heroes. Your swift decisions and strategy are vital to gaining victory. Are you ready for the challenge?

PC에서 소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden 플레이해보세요.

  • BlueStacks 다운로드하고 설치

  • Google Play 스토어에 로그인 하기(나중에 진행가능)

  • 오른쪽 상단 코너에 소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden 검색

  • 검색 결과 중 소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden 선택하여 설치

  • 구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden 설치

  • 메인 홈화면에서 소울오브에덴 Soul of Eden 선택하여 실행
