Smashy Road: Wanted

Smashy Road: Wanted

액션 | Bearbit Studios B.V.

5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.

페이지 수정 날짜: 2023. 8. 16.

Play Smashy Road: Wanted on PC or Mac

The newest driving sensation taking the gaming world by storm is the new hit in the Smashy Road series. With Smashy Road: Wanted, you are on the run from everyone! Drive through a variety of randomly generated areas avoiding the police, SWAT teams, Army Jeeps, and even heavy-duty tanks. Each randomly generated area comes with the chance to find and unlock special secret areas full of extreme rewards and cool loot. Play often and unlock more than 90 unique cars and vehicles, each one with their own behavior. Try them all to find your favorites and unlock even more. Take your criminal experience to the next level when you play Smashy Road: Wanted on PC and Mac with the free BlueStacks 4 player. Now, you have the power to unlock even more features and change the game with Twitch broadcasting, more convenient controls, and the freedom to play Smashy Road: Wanted whenever you want. Click the link below to download Smashy Road: Wanted and start outrunning Johnny Law now.

PC에서 Smashy Road: Wanted 플레이해보세요.

  • BlueStacks 다운로드하고 설치

  • Google Play 스토어에 로그인 하기(나중에 진행가능)

  • 오른쪽 상단 코너에 Smashy Road: Wanted 검색

  • 검색 결과 중 Smashy Road: Wanted 선택하여 설치

  • 구글 로그인 진행(만약 2단계를 지나갔을 경우) 후 Smashy Road: Wanted 설치

  • 메인 홈화면에서 Smashy Road: Wanted 선택하여 실행
