Prime Numbers LCM GCD PRO
Educational | Orange Power Labs
在電腦上使用BlueStacks –受到5億以上的遊戲玩家所信任的Android遊戲平台。
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Prime Number Tools PRO
The best calculator available for android to learn more about prime numbers with detailed step-by-step and color explanations.
Advanced high-precision calculator that calculates and teaches you how to calculate, with detailed explanations and colors:
- Least Common Multiple (LCM) between 2 or more numbers (up to 8 numbers simultaneously)
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) between 2 or more numbers (up to 8 numbers simultaneously)
- Factorization / Decomposition of a number into prime factors.
- Primality Check, Determine if a number is prime
- Determine if one or more numbers are prime to each other, (relatively primes or coprimes) through the GCD (up to 8 numbers simultaneously)
- Calculation of all divisors of an integer
- Prime number table generator in a given range
- Total prime numbers in the defined range
- Maximum calculation accuracy available in Java BigInteger
- Parallel and background calculations to keep the user interface running smooth
- Progress indication of background operations when the numbers are too big
- Discover prime numbers up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
- Preferences for displaying explanations, colors and CPU time taken for the calculation
Turn your smartphone into a tool for learning and researching about Natural and Prime Numbers.
The prime numbers shown in the table are calculated by the smartphone processor and are not a pre-calculated table, so you can use the prime number generator as a benchmark for processing capacity between smartphones.
Other features include: results history, sharing/sending the results to other applications, copying to the clipboard, save results as images, swipe to delete result, long click on the card with the result for more options, among others.
If the calculation is very time consuming it is possible to finish the computation before it ends and display the result calculated until then.
Compatible with all major versions of android and all phones.
The best calculator available for android to learn more about prime numbers with detailed step-by-step and color explanations.
Advanced high-precision calculator that calculates and teaches you how to calculate, with detailed explanations and colors:
- Least Common Multiple (LCM) between 2 or more numbers (up to 8 numbers simultaneously)
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) between 2 or more numbers (up to 8 numbers simultaneously)
- Factorization / Decomposition of a number into prime factors.
- Primality Check, Determine if a number is prime
- Determine if one or more numbers are prime to each other, (relatively primes or coprimes) through the GCD (up to 8 numbers simultaneously)
- Calculation of all divisors of an integer
- Prime number table generator in a given range
- Total prime numbers in the defined range
- Maximum calculation accuracy available in Java BigInteger
- Parallel and background calculations to keep the user interface running smooth
- Progress indication of background operations when the numbers are too big
- Discover prime numbers up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
- Preferences for displaying explanations, colors and CPU time taken for the calculation
Turn your smartphone into a tool for learning and researching about Natural and Prime Numbers.
The prime numbers shown in the table are calculated by the smartphone processor and are not a pre-calculated table, so you can use the prime number generator as a benchmark for processing capacity between smartphones.
Other features include: results history, sharing/sending the results to other applications, copying to the clipboard, save results as images, swipe to delete result, long click on the card with the result for more options, among others.
If the calculation is very time consuming it is possible to finish the computation before it ends and display the result calculated until then.
Compatible with all major versions of android and all phones.
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