Picco: Performance & Scout

Picco: Performance & Scout

Sport | Temma Software - TacticalPad

Spiele auf dem PC mit BlueStacks - der Android-Gaming-Plattform, der über 500 Millionen Spieler vertrauen.

Seite geändert am: 7. August 2020

Play Picco: Performance & Scout on PC

Picco brings, for free, sports statistics to everyone: professional coaches, match/performane analysts, grassroots coaches, volunteers, enthusiasts, journalists, bloggers, supporters, parents.

During a match, you just need to register(also commonly called tag) the actions, like passes, etc, then Picco takes care of the rest. At anytime, you have an automatic full report.

If you think it can't be done at real-time, yes, it can, it is pretty easy. Picco has a powerful and user-friendly solution, that we call protocol, where you indicate what and how you want to measure. Picco automatizes the interactions between the action so you don't need to put all your attention on the app. Then, the corresponding report is created automatically. Picco already comes with two protocols setup for soccer (football), one that you usually see on match broadcasting and an advanced one, with level player statistics.

Everything you measure, how you do it and how it is reported, can be easily customized. We will not try to sell how wonderful it is, even because it is free, so we don't need to sell it =)

All content created on Picco can be shared as PDF, Images or Picco internal project. Share what happened during a match with players, parents, coaching staff, your social network or website followers, your readers on paper, etc.

Enjoy Picco, it can be applied to every sport level, amateur to professional, from a small to a huge club, from kids to professionals, by parents, supporters, journalists, bloggers, coaches, analysts, anyone.

And never forget that Picco is statistics for everyone.

Spiele Picco: Performance & Scout auf dem PC. Der Einstieg ist einfach.

  • Lade BlueStacks herunter und installiere es auf deinem PC

  • Schließe die Google-Anmeldung ab, um auf den Play Store zuzugreifen, oder mache es später

  • Suche in der Suchleiste oben rechts nach Picco: Performance & Scout

  • Klicke hier, um Picco: Performance & Scout aus den Suchergebnissen zu installieren

  • Schließe die Google-Anmeldung ab (wenn du Schritt 2 übersprungen hast), um Picco: Performance & Scout zu installieren.

  • Klicke auf dem Startbildschirm auf das Picco: Performance & Scout Symbol, um mit dem Spielen zu beginnen

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