Sorted Goods
퍼즐 | Genza Games
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Sorted Goods on PC
•Each level begins with a predefined shelf structure and a set of items below.
•Your objective is to match the specified number of items to complete the level goal.
•Drag items from below onto the shelves, triggering automatic sorting if identical items exist in neighboring shelves.
•When three identical items align on a shelf, they disappear, possibly along with the shelf itself (to be determined during development).
•The loop continues until you meet the success condition for the level.
•Combine strategic placement with automatic sorting for a dynamic puzzle-solving experience.
•Utilize neighbor shelves to your advantage to efficiently match items and progress through levels.
•Enjoy a seamless loop progression as you work towards completing each level’s goal.
Start sorting and matching items now!
•Your objective is to match the specified number of items to complete the level goal.
•Drag items from below onto the shelves, triggering automatic sorting if identical items exist in neighboring shelves.
•When three identical items align on a shelf, they disappear, possibly along with the shelf itself (to be determined during development).
•The loop continues until you meet the success condition for the level.
•Combine strategic placement with automatic sorting for a dynamic puzzle-solving experience.
•Utilize neighbor shelves to your advantage to efficiently match items and progress through levels.
•Enjoy a seamless loop progression as you work towards completing each level’s goal.
Start sorting and matching items now!
PC에서 Sorted Goods 플레이해보세요.
BlueStacks 다운로드하고 설치
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