The Little Fox

The Little Fox

Action | ZPLAY Games

500M + oyuncunun güvendiği Android Oyun Platformu, BlueStacks ile PC'de oynayın.

Sayfa Değiştirilme tarihi: 27 Temmuz 2017

Play The Little Fox on PC

The Little Fox is the first runner of its type on a hexagonal field. Run through thirteen fairytale planets, passing icy cliffs and volcano craters, finding your way through a bog and a dark cave.

Rest assured, no level will give in on your first attempt! But each successfully completed level will satisfy your sense of perfectionism.


Taking the best examples of minimalist low-poly graphics as inspiration, we've created thirteen colorful and unique three-dimensional planets for you.

The picturesque landscapes of Eternal Winter and the Forgotten Asteroid, the Sweltering Canyon and the Secret Cave, all of these are sure to stand out in your memory and make you want to set a screenshot of the game as your background.


Our ace in the hole is innovative gameplay that is easy to learn, but hard to master. Just two taps (on the left side of the screen to turn left, on the right to turn right) provides full freedom for moving through the game world.


It is advised to play The Little Fox with headphones. A selection of unique tracks, each written with the specifics of each setting in mind, provides complete immersion in the game's atmosphere.

Just enjoy it!

The Little Fox oyununu PC'de oyna. Başlamak çok kolay.

  • BlueStacks'i PC'nize İndirin ve Yükleyin

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  • (iEğer Adım 2'yi atladıysanız) The Little Fox uygulamasını yüklemek için Google'a giriş yapın.

  • Oynatmaya başlatmak için ekrandaki The Little Fox ikonuna tıklayın.

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