HighTide - Tide predictions and weather

HighTide - Tide predictions and weather

天氣 | Dummy Light On

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網頁修改於: 2021年6月23日

Play HighTide - Tide predictions and weather on PC

This app makes it possible to get tide times, weather forecast and moon phases all in one place and could be a useful aid for boating or fishing trips.

Search for your location anywhere in the world and get info about the water levels for the tide station nearest you. In addition, you will also get tides for the next seven days and weather and wind forecast for the next ten days.

- Time for the next and previous high or low tide
- Time table for high and low tides for today and tomorrow
- Weather forecast
- Wind forecast
- Sunrise and sunset
- Current moon phase
- Long term-forecast

Long-term forecast
- Available by swiping right form the “current weather screen”.
- High and low tides times for the next seven days. (six days in UK)
- Weather and wind data for the next ten days.
- Weather, including symbol, temperature, air pressure and precipitation for every six hours.
- Wind, including symbol, wind speed and direction for every six hours.
- Sunrise and sunset for every day.
- Moon phase in percent for the next ten days.

How to use the app:
- Use magnifying glass to search for any location.
- Ability to save location to favorites by touching star symbol at the top.
- Swipe right to see long-term forecast.
- Press back, or swipe left, to search for a new location.
- Set visibility for each forecast to adjust your app layout. (settings)
- Change units of measurement. (settings)

App resources
- Weather data from: The Norwegian Meteorological institute, (MET Norway)
- United States tidal data is provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- United Kingdom tidal data is provided by ADMIRALTY®
- Norwegian tidal data is provided by ©Kartverket
- Rest of the world tidal data is provided by www.worldtides.info
- International location search and place name data are provided by geonames.org
- Norwegian location search and place name data are provided by SSR ©Kartverket

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  • 完成Google登入(如果您跳過了步驟2),以安裝 HighTide - Tide predictions and weather

  • 在首頁畫面中點擊 HighTide - Tide predictions and weather 圖標來啟動遊戲
