Математика для детей

Математика для детей

Lernen | Dmytro Buzoveria

Spiele auf dem PC mit BlueStacks - der Android-Gaming-Plattform, der über 500 Millionen Spieler vertrauen.

Seite geändert am: 19. April 2018

Play Math for Kids on PC

Application "Math For Kids" will help your child in learning of operations "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" and provide you easy and flexible control over the process and tracking the results. One of the techniques / strategies for learning:
1. Select arithmetic operation in menu: "Addition", "Subtraction" or "Comparison"
2. Go to “Settings” and set "Maximum value of result", based on the current knowledge of the child. For example, if child is learning Additions up to 5 (inclusive), then 5 should be chosen as the value of the "Maximum value of result" field
3. Set the duration of one lesson by setting "Number of examples"
4. Encourage your child to complete example
5. Child should pronounce arithmetic expression and choose the answer which he thinks is right
6. The next example will be started only when the current example is correctly solved
7. Number of solved examples on the first attempt and the total number of examples will be displayed as soon as child correctly solves all examples of the current lesson
8. Based on the results of the solved examples, you may repeat this lesson or change the settings to complicate or simplify it

Existent knowledge can be checked in "Exercises" section. The exercise is interrupted in case of three errors. The next exercise is a bit complicated and becomes available after a successful completion of the current. Description of exercises:
Exercise 1: 10 examples on "Addition" of numbers from 1 to 5
Exercise 2: 10 examples on "Addition" and "Subtraction" of numbers from 1 to 5
Exercise 3: 10 examples on "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" of numbers from 1 to 5
Exercise 4: 10 examples on "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" of numbers from 1 to 10
Exercise 5: 10 examples on "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Addition/Subtraction" of three numbers from 1 to 10
Exercise 6: 10 examples on operations "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" with tens
Exercise 7: 15 examples on "Addition/Subtraction" and 15 examples on "Comparison" of numbers from 0 to 15
Exercise 8: 20 examples on operations "Addition/Subtraction" of three numbers from 5 to 15
Exercise 9: 15 examples on "Addition/Subtraction" and 15 examples on "Comparison" of number from 5 to 20

Localization: English, Ukrainian, Russian

Spiele Математика для детей auf dem PC. Der Einstieg ist einfach.

  • Lade BlueStacks herunter und installiere es auf deinem PC

  • Schließe die Google-Anmeldung ab, um auf den Play Store zuzugreifen, oder mache es später

  • Suche in der Suchleiste oben rechts nach Математика для детей

  • Klicke hier, um Математика для детей aus den Suchergebnissen zu installieren

  • Schließe die Google-Anmeldung ab (wenn du Schritt 2 übersprungen hast), um Математика для детей zu installieren.

  • Klicke auf dem Startbildschirm auf das Математика для детей Symbol, um mit dem Spielen zu beginnen

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