Revista bilingüe Confucio

Revista bilingüe Confucio

新闻杂志 | Vicent Andreu

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網頁修改於: 2018年11月29日

Play Confucius bilingual Magazine on PC

Confucius Institute Magazine is a way to approach the Chinese civilization, its culture and its history without leaving your home. With this magazine you will travel to the most beautiful landscapes in the country, you'll be lost in the streets of Chinese cities and you will plunge into their habits. Also, you can practice the Chinese language since all the numbers are published in both languages and are accompanied by little lessons.

Sharing experiences of study, teaching Chinese and introduction to Chinese culture are the objectives of this header. Guides readers through the process of learning Chinese and provides rich content, unique perspectives, interviews, columns and articles from various sources. Quality is the essence of the magazine, and reader participation is the root of its vitality.

The bimonthly publication of Confucius Institute will help readers better appreciate Chinese culture and “visit” cultural China, exchanging study experience, exploring Chinese teaching, and introducing Chinese culture.

This publication is produced since July 2009 by Hanban, the Confucius Institute Headquarters. Besides editing in Spanish you can find magazines in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Thai.

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