플래시 알림 - 수신 전화 및 메시지
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5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Flash Alerts: Calls & Messages on PC
Flash Alert Features:
✔ Be alerted of incoming calls, text messages, and app notifications with the led flashlight.
✔ Customize the length of each flash.
✔ Select the number of light flashes for incoming SMS.
✔ Activate flash alerts for Normal, silent, and vibrate modes on your phone.
✔ ‘Do not disturb’ mode.
✔ Choose to have flash alerts on or off when the phone screen is on
Get instantly alerted when people are trying to contact you with Flash Alerts – the led flashlight for calls, messages & app notifications. The perfect visual light aid when you cannot hear your phone or need to keep it on silent mode.
After each phone call, you will see a useful call information screen where you will be able to instantly adjust your flash alert notifications for future use.
You can choose to have flash alerts turned on or off individually for incoming calls, SMS text messages, and app notifications, and choose to have it active when the phone is in normal, silent, or vibration modes.
The customizable incoming call flash light notifications enable you to choose how long the LED flash for alerts is on and off, each time it flashes. You can also select how many times it flashes for SMS text messages.
There is also a ‘do not disturb’ mode in which you can select a period of time when you do not want the flash to alert you. This means you can always leave Flash Alert activated and don’t need to remember to keep turning it on and off.
✔ Be alerted of incoming calls, text messages, and app notifications with the led flashlight.
✔ Customize the length of each flash.
✔ Select the number of light flashes for incoming SMS.
✔ Activate flash alerts for Normal, silent, and vibrate modes on your phone.
✔ ‘Do not disturb’ mode.
✔ Choose to have flash alerts on or off when the phone screen is on
Get instantly alerted when people are trying to contact you with Flash Alerts – the led flashlight for calls, messages & app notifications. The perfect visual light aid when you cannot hear your phone or need to keep it on silent mode.
After each phone call, you will see a useful call information screen where you will be able to instantly adjust your flash alert notifications for future use.
You can choose to have flash alerts turned on or off individually for incoming calls, SMS text messages, and app notifications, and choose to have it active when the phone is in normal, silent, or vibration modes.
The customizable incoming call flash light notifications enable you to choose how long the LED flash for alerts is on and off, each time it flashes. You can also select how many times it flashes for SMS text messages.
There is also a ‘do not disturb’ mode in which you can select a period of time when you do not want the flash to alert you. This means you can always leave Flash Alert activated and don’t need to remember to keep turning it on and off.
PC에서 플래시 알림 - 수신 전화 및 메시지 플레이해보세요.
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