

Ferramentas | PixelProse SARL

Jogue no PC com BlueStacks - A Plataforma de Jogos Android, confiada por mais de 500 milhões de jogadores.

Página modificada em: 12 de junho de 2019

Play Clinometer on PC

An inclinometer is an instrument used for measuring angles of slope (or tilt), elevation, or depression of an object with respect to gravity's direction. Clinometers measure both inclines (positive slopes, as seen by an observer looking upwards) and declines (negative slopes, as seen by an observer looking downward) using two different metrics roll and pitch.

Simple and Straightforward
⚫ Can be used as Clinometer or Bubble Level
⚫ Measure Slope using roll or pitch
⚫ Use camera to measure inclination and elevation remotly
⚫ Absolute or relative measurement by touching screen


This is the rotation of the phone around the axis perpendicular to the device screen. Use it to measure inclination with any side of your phone or remotly when using the camera.


This is the angle between a plane perpendicular to the device's screen and a plane parallel to the ground. Holding your phone screen perpendicular to the floor will give you a pitch close to zero. Use it to measure a surface slope when you phone is landing on that surface or an object elevation when using the camera.

Jogue Clinometer no PC. É fácil começar.

  • Baixe e instale o BlueStacks no seu PC

  • Conclua o login do Google para acessar a Play Store ou faça isso mais tarde

  • Procure por Clinometer na barra de pesquisa no canto superior direito

  • Clique para instalar Clinometer a partir dos resultados da pesquisa

  • Conclua o login do Google (caso você pulou a etapa 2) para instalar o Clinometer

  • Clique no ícone do Clinometer na tela inicial para começar a jogar

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