Word of the Day - An English Vocabulary Builder
BlueStacksを使ってPCでプレイ - 5憶以上のユーザーが愛用している高機能Androidゲーミングプラットフォーム
Play Word of the Day - An English Vocabulary Builder on PC
Explore and master the English Language, learn new English word and improve vocabulary.
We use the "Word Of The Day" format so you can learn your new words everyday without a hustle or information overload.
What does the app do?
- Sends you notification every day with the word of the day.
- Shows you todays word, meaning and more
- Widgets display the updated word in home screen.
- Allow you to mark a word as favorite (Bookmark) for future reference.
- Shows the list of all words so far.
What you can do?
- Impress your friends and colleagues with your increased vocabulary
- Prepare for GRE, IELTS and other exams
- Write professional Emails with greater vocabulary and confidence
We are proud to tell you that the app has the perfect list of words with meaning and example on how to use it in a sentence with phonetics.
Word of the Day - An English Vocabulary BuilderをPCでプレイ
GoogleにサインインしてGoogle Play ストアにアクセスします。(こちらの操作は後で行っても問題ありません)
右上の検索バーにWord of the Day - An English Vocabulary Builderを入力して検索します。
クリックして検索結果からWord of the Day - An English Vocabulary Builderをインストールします。
Googleサインインを完了してWord of the Day - An English Vocabulary Builderをインストールします。※手順2を飛ばしていた場合
ホーム画面にてWord of the Day - An English Vocabulary Builderのアイコンをクリックしてアプリを起動します。