Nzb Searcher (Newznab)
None | GJ Compagner
5억명 이상의 게이머가 신뢰하는 안드로이드 게임 플랫폼 BlueStacks으로 PC에서 플레이하세요.
Play Nzb Searcher (Newznab) on PC
Search and download Nzb's from your phone to your SabNzbd client or save/open them on your phone. At this moment only Newznab sites are supported so you need an API key/account from a Newznab site (for example, or Spotweb) and of course you can use your own Newznab server.
Now with SSL support! Contact me if you don't know how to create a keystore (you don't have to provide one but it's more secure).
If you want to try the app before purchase, please try the trial version. If you do not have a credit card, please contact me and we'll work something out (Paypal for example)!
Spotweb users, check this site for configuring Spotweb: It's not possible to use Spotweb without performing the steps described.
If there are any problems, please let me know and don't just leave a bad review in the store. I'm sure I can help you with your problems.
Search features:
- Search per category/child category
- Save a search, including the selected server and category, for easy reuse.
- Search multiple servers
- Search results show the category, filesize and the age of the post.
Download features:
- Multiple downloads! Press menu in the results screen, press multiple downloads en select the nzb's you want to download and send them all to SabNzbD or save them on your sdcard.
- Possibility to set the category when adding a nzb to SabNzbd
- Save as option, which opens a filebrowser for choosing where to store the nzb
- Open the nzb directly from the app for downloading it on your phone (with for example PowerNzb)
SabNzbd features:
- Overview screen including the queue and history
- Delete, pause, resume and change the category of nzb's
- Resume and pause the complete SabNzbd queue
- Swap the order of the items in the queue
Settings features:
- Add multiple SabNzbd/Newznab servers
- Choose a default download location where nzb's should be stored
- Default servers are provided (,, and
- Theme options included in the settings, choose your favorite color! (If your favorite color happens to be blue, yellow or red)
- Set the default server of SabNzbd
- Backup and restore the settings (Swipe to the right in searchscreen)
Other features:
- IMDB watchlist screen, add your watchlist in the settings and check all your movies in the app
- Choose a default category in which the watchlist items should be searched or choose it manually in a dialog including child categories.
- Built in newznab sites include,, and
Features to come:
- Torrent searcher
- Setting limits on results
- Long press a search in the previous searches list for removal
- Press menu in searchscreen to force redownload categories
- Press the NzbSearcher icon to backup/restore settings and easily switch between screens
- Press menu in the sabnzbd screen to refresh or pause the queue
- Press menu in the IMDB screen to refresh the list
Now with SSL support! Contact me if you don't know how to create a keystore (you don't have to provide one but it's more secure).
If you want to try the app before purchase, please try the trial version. If you do not have a credit card, please contact me and we'll work something out (Paypal for example)!
Spotweb users, check this site for configuring Spotweb: It's not possible to use Spotweb without performing the steps described.
If there are any problems, please let me know and don't just leave a bad review in the store. I'm sure I can help you with your problems.
Search features:
- Search per category/child category
- Save a search, including the selected server and category, for easy reuse.
- Search multiple servers
- Search results show the category, filesize and the age of the post.
Download features:
- Multiple downloads! Press menu in the results screen, press multiple downloads en select the nzb's you want to download and send them all to SabNzbD or save them on your sdcard.
- Possibility to set the category when adding a nzb to SabNzbd
- Save as option, which opens a filebrowser for choosing where to store the nzb
- Open the nzb directly from the app for downloading it on your phone (with for example PowerNzb)
SabNzbd features:
- Overview screen including the queue and history
- Delete, pause, resume and change the category of nzb's
- Resume and pause the complete SabNzbd queue
- Swap the order of the items in the queue
Settings features:
- Add multiple SabNzbd/Newznab servers
- Choose a default download location where nzb's should be stored
- Default servers are provided (,, and
- Theme options included in the settings, choose your favorite color! (If your favorite color happens to be blue, yellow or red)
- Set the default server of SabNzbd
- Backup and restore the settings (Swipe to the right in searchscreen)
Other features:
- IMDB watchlist screen, add your watchlist in the settings and check all your movies in the app
- Choose a default category in which the watchlist items should be searched or choose it manually in a dialog including child categories.
- Built in newznab sites include,, and
Features to come:
- Torrent searcher
- Setting limits on results
- Long press a search in the previous searches list for removal
- Press menu in searchscreen to force redownload categories
- Press the NzbSearcher icon to backup/restore settings and easily switch between screens
- Press menu in the sabnzbd screen to refresh or pause the queue
- Press menu in the IMDB screen to refresh the list
PC에서 Nzb Searcher (Newznab) 플레이해보세요.
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